DUCK EXPERTS -> I have Four Khaki Campbell ducks (2 Male and 2 Female)

Saved By Grace

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
How often do KC ducks mate? I havnt seen them mate yet as im not home much of the day, however i have collected some eggs and I am attempting to Incubate them. I would like to know how often Drakes will mate, so I know if they will be fertilized or not.

So to basically I want to know:

1. How often will a Drake mate with my female?
2. When they mate, will it always fertilize the egg?
3. If i caught my drake mating and took it out, how many eggs would the female lay before the eggs become infertile?

(Hope these questions make sense)
They will continue to mate all year round. However, the males will not produce any sperm over the winter months, so the eggs will not be fertile. If you give them artificial light, they can stay in season and lay all year. It is good to give them an egg/mating break.

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