Duck experts - I need reassurance


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Central Iowa
Background info:
I have 7 flying mallard/rouen eggs that aren't due until the 16th. Several of them were pipped internally yesterday and one was pipped externally.

A second one pipped on the wrong end last night.

When do I start worrying? As of this morning there is one more slight pip and the upside down one is peeping up a storm. Other than that there is no progress.

I know there person I got the eggs from said that she hatched some of her own a few weeks ago and had to help some out because the membrane was too tough.

Also - is it true that ducks just take longer to pip then hatch?

I am just used to chickens - ducks are new to me.
I had 1 duck egg in my batch-he took almost 2 days to come out from pipping-then I had to help him-the membrane was very thick-I dont know if thisis case with all duck eggs but that was my personal decision-hes a huge healthy 3 week old now! I would wait a little more-mist them with water? hows your humidity?
I'm not sure on my humidity this time around. I spilled water on my hygrometer
I dry incubate my chicken eggs but all the trays are full of water right now and I had been misting them. The membranes just look so papery white.
It has been recommended by greats in the duck-breeding/hatching world that it may be necess. to spray eggs 48 and 24 hrs. prior to supposed hatch, in order to prevent membranes becoming too tough.

I have two scovy eggs due to hatch on Tuesday--I am pretty sure neither will hatch. scovies are wickedly hard in artificial incubation..............
I did open up the pips further - OMG their little bills are sooooo cute!!!!!

I'm guessing I will eventually have to help the one that pipped on the small end out all the way.

I will definately keep you informed!

Ok I am down to 4 eggs - one had pipped internally but it was to late to save, the other two look like they quit several days ago. The ducklings were much smaller.

The four eggs though all have air now and are talking to each other.
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Three are out so far, the last one is the one that pipped on the small end. I am slowly helping him out. He is completely immobile the way he is positioned.

So are ducks generally more lethargic than chickens when they hatch? These guys are quieter and seem to rest more.

I love the little lispy peep they make - its more like a "weep weep"
Yes, lethargic for several hours after hatch. But give them 3 weeks-- My new ones are chasing flies outside the garden this afternoon. Glad to hear you have some lil' swimmers.
Ducklings are very very smelly. Let's see if you are still excited about them in a couple weeks - wheewww...

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