Duck fluffing up - stress?


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2017
Hi all; I have two 14 month old ducks running around my garden; over the last week or so one has been seeming agitated in the evenings. She holds her head in close to her body and fluffs herself up, quacking loudly! This only seems to happen for the 30 mins or so before they go into their enclosure for the night.

Two weeks ago we moved their hut and enclosure in order to build a new one. The behaviour started around then. They’ve now moved into their new house and enclosure and she is still exhibiting this behaviour. The other duck is fine.

She is eating like a trooper, no weight loss and it drinking well, she’s bright eyed and her feathers look healthy.

Is there anything we can do to help her?
I had a duck that did this for about a month (maybe more). I called her my half broody duck. She would scrunch up her neck and puff up her feathers and run around honking, seemingly angry, at me, at the dog, at the other ducks. She is not like this anymore. I gave up on trying to please her. Honestly I think it was hormones. It all started at the beginning of breeding season and she seemed to be trying to run me off/protect the nest (the one I stole eggs from daily). I don't have an answer for you on how to stop it. I honestly think it will run its course. My duck seemed best when I just backed off and left her alone. Good luck. Don't worry too much. It could just be the change in housing too. All my ducks freak out for a bit when I clean the straw or fill the pool. She will come around.

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