Duck hatch-a-long october/november!!!!!! come join!

I'm guessing on how long the power was out, it was to the entire house not just the incubator. I also don't tend to heat my house (live in S CA) so it's fairly cool. I turned on the heat yesterday then adjusted the incubator to keep the temp correct so between that and the blanket hopefully it will help. Unfortunately I work during the day so if the power goes out again there is nothing I can do about it.

I definitely have some blood rings :-( I don't know how many yet, I spent time looking at photos on the forum last night until was past bedtime so I'll candle all of them tonight. Of the 6 I spot checked 2 had them. I originally set 25, 2 look like they never started, 3 more look like they developed for a day or two then stopped. So even if I loose 30% of the rest I should still have about a dozen that keep going. Not great, but I'm a beginner at this so ...

I candled my eggs after posting this and it looked like ALL of them had blood rings. :-( They looked just like various posts on here and other spots on the WWW. But then I found a post on here that shows photos of each day of some chicken eggs incubating, and around day 3 or 4 (my duck eggs were on day 6 or 7) they had what also appeared to be blood rings and the poster said that was normal and those eggs went on to hatch. So I left mine alone. Candled them last night (day 10) and they are definitely developing, there are heart beats and movement. Some seem to be a little slower than others, a day or so behind, I'm not sure if the power outages just effected them a little more and slowed them down or ??? But I think most of them on are track to hatch :)

Turned out the electric company was doing work in the area and knew they were causing outages, would have been nice of them to let people know before hand that they were going to be doing that.
I candled my eggs after posting this and it looked like ALL of them had blood rings. :-(  They looked just like various posts on here and other spots on the WWW.  But then I found a post on here that shows photos of each day of some chicken eggs incubating, and around day 3 or 4 (my duck eggs were on day 6 or 7) they had what also appeared to be blood rings and the poster said that was normal and those eggs went on to hatch.  So I left mine alone.  Candled them last night (day 10) and they are definitely developing, there are heart beats and movement.  Some seem to be a little slower than others, a day or so behind, I'm not sure if the power outages just effected them a little more and slowed them down or ???  But I think most of them on are track to hatch :)

Turned out the electric company was doing work in the area and knew they were causing outages, would have been nice of them to let people know before hand that they were going to be doing that. :he

Oh yay glad for you!!!!

Yes I always wait until day 14 before tossing eggs even if I think I see blood rings/ infertile eggs. At this point you can be 100% sure that what you are seeing is definitely alive/dead or infertile. I always candle at day 7 too because I can't help myself but I don't toss until day 14 unless I can actually smell the bad egg but those are really obvious when you candle them.
I candled my eggs after posting this and it looked like ALL of them had blood rings. :-( They looked just like various posts on here and other spots on the WWW. But then I found a post on here that shows photos of each day of some chicken eggs incubating, and around day 3 or 4 (my duck eggs were on day 6 or 7) they had what also appeared to be blood rings and the poster said that was normal and those eggs went on to hatch. So I left mine alone. Candled them last night (day 10) and they are definitely developing, there are heart beats and movement. Some seem to be a little slower than others, a day or so behind, I'm not sure if the power outages just effected them a little more and slowed them down or ??? But I think most of them on are track to hatch :)

Turned out the electric company was doing work in the area and knew they were causing outages, would have been nice of them to let people know before hand that they were going to be doing that.
I'm so happy they are still alive and growing for you. It seems like electric companies should have to give people forewarning when they are gonna turn the power off for any extended amount of time. But it seems they never do even if request it of them before. I know ours never does.

Well, I checked my 3 duck eggs this morning and it appears the damaged air cell has stabilized! It doesn't roll around when I shift the egg now, stays right where it belongs and looks normal shaped as well.
AND, unless I am completely deluding myself (which is always possible
), it appears that all three have started growing an embryo! Am I crazy or can you really see the embryo starting by the third day?
I'm so happy they are still alive and growing for you. It seems like electric companies should have to give people forewarning when they are gonna turn the power off for any extended amount of time. But it seems they never do even if request it of them before. I know ours never does.

Well, I checked my 3 duck eggs this morning and it appears the damaged air cell has stabilized! It doesn't roll around when I shift the egg now, stays right where it belongs and looks normal shaped as well.
AND, unless I am completely deluding myself (which is always possible
), it appears that all three have started growing an embryo! Am I crazy or can you really see the embryo starting by the third day?

On light colored eggs I can sometimes see development in just 3 days.
We finally got the power back on in the trailer with the incubators. My FIL had wired it up to our power pole and we weren't really sure where the cords ran. We finally found where 2 power cords where spliced together but FIL only used duct tape over it and it rained like 9 inches the night the power went out. So we spliced it back together and put electrical tape on it and on the other splices that had duct tape. Got the incubators back up and put the eggs back in. I'm sure I lost some with them not being the proper temp. for 2 days. But my Creme Legbars are due today and are starting to hatch. There are 4 pipped externally and lots of them internally (and they are cheeping away). There are 3 I am iffy about, but still have hope for them (there are 13 in all). I looked at a couple of the mixed eggs and they were still wiggling around, so hopefully most will still hatch.
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Yay I'm glad they r out and sorry about the down to 5 part I hope u get them to hatch wt colors didn u get from the four?

I will let you know for sure when I get home! Of the four one so far is black/white, one is a bibbed chocolate (. :( he's going to be cut) and the other two still need to dry but I think they are black/white too. One MAY be blue but I could be overly hopeful lol

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