Duck hatching


10 Years
Aug 30, 2009
I have had 4 of 9 that all had good development hatch. That was Friday/Saturday.

Sunday I checked the rest and two of them I heard chirping inside the egg so I left them another 12 hours and still nothing. One had pipped (I know ducks can be so slow to hatch) but it wasn't progressing so I helped a bit and there was a lot of blood that came out of the shell. I set these very fresh eggs on April 17. I helped the other pip as well but saw blood and stopped.

Now what?
Six hours have passed since the assistance. They are both alive, little duck bills poking out of the holes breathing.

I am guessing the last 3 eggs are dead. There is a large dark mass inside but I hear no squeaking inside or pecking.
I guess today is only day 29 but the others are healthy and were early. My last batch hatched early as well.
Still not doing anything at 12 hours after. It seems the inner membrane may be drying out so I put warm moist paper towel around the worst one.
The membrane softened from the warm moist paper towel and one was out at 2:30 this morning but had knocked off the seconds wrap so I wrapped the second again loosely with warm wet paper towel and it was out when I woke up at 5:30 this morning.

So they are out and okay.

I guess last 3 aren't going to hatch. No pips
Well at least you got those two.

Sorry nobody here found your thread in time.

I just now found it and have never hatched ducks so I can't help you much.

Anyway, I hop what ones you do have stay alive and healthy.

My poor Cyuga has been sitting for well over a month like a dutiful momma she babies and protects her nest only comes off once a day to eat potty and bath. Will hiss at anyone that comes to close. I candled her eggs about 2-3 weeks ago and they were about 20 to 25 days ish.
I finally took the chance and candled again yesterday and there has been absolutely no progress. One egg is missing I assumed that the one that was rolled away and consumed was for another ducks nest. I was wrong.
Either way she has not abandoned the nest or rolled any more away and won't come off but still once a day. I am not sure how to proceed the poor thing tried so hard.
1) what could have happened so far along? Could it have been the outside heat?
2) how to help her moving forward? Take them and remove her nest? Let her figure it out?
She is only a little over a year old this season her first try at it.

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