Duck Help Please


8 Years
Mar 9, 2011
I have a rouen duck that has been acting funny his eyes are droopy he does not really want to swim he just floats... he is not dead ... he will not eat... and he cannot walk and his feathers on his butt sorta are alll fanned out...

what is wrong what can I do...

Does anyone on here know where I can find a duck diaper pattern... I want him in the house to be safe I do not want to make them to make money....

As far as diapers there is a lady here on BYC that supplies them. I can't remember her name so hopefully someone will get on and tell you. Wish I could help with the symptoms. Maybe try putting a little sugar in the water for her/him? Hopefully someone else can tell you more. Drinking water is even more important than eating. My ducks are usually hungry ALL the time, so this sounds ....not good!

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