Duck hen vs Chicken hen in a fight


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
I have 13 ducks all hens and 2 chickens both hens (choc orpingtons)
one of my ducks , 7 yr old, sort of broody? she guards her eggs and if a chickens gets too close they have a little fight.
this morning i just collected the 2 eggs then scooped up my chicken and put her on the other side of the yard (they have 3000 sq feet with lots of nooks and crannies, plenty of places to hide, etc)
do you think they could hurt each other? like an accidental eye pecked out or anything?
they have separate coops, but share the yard.
It is possible I would think but not probable. In my experience 'hen fights' are generally short lived. On the other hand I had an occasion where a drake/rooster fight escalated to the point where the rooster was killed.
It is possible I would think but not probable. In my experience 'hen fights' are generally short lived. On the other hand I had an occasion where a drake/rooster fight escalated to the point where the rooster was killed.
It’seems weird that drakes can win fights with roosters, to me it just looks like roosters have better “warfare equipment” I’m so amazed

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