Duck house completed and it only cost $30.00


10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
My DH works on the lake, doing maintenance and repairs on boat docks. Two weeks ago they had to redeck a dock. So he brought all the old cedar boards home. All the wood has already been weather treated, so no worries about the rain!!

It took him about 2-3 hours from start to finish. I was so proud of him that he built such a nice house with scraps, and when I seen it I was so happy
. The only money I have in it is for the chicken wire, 4 hinges, 1 lock, and lots of nails, which totaled around $30.00.

Here are the pictures


This is the pen and the house now sits to the left side directly in front of it. Therefore, the ducks have more room in their pen to eat and play. Now that the house is finished and in place, we are going to "adjust" the pen to be easier to get in and out of. I have a little kiddie pool that I want to put in there for them to swim in during the HOT summer months.
wow! it looks nice. at first i thought it was too small, but then the pic with your husband and i was surprised! your duckies are gonna be spoiled....
yeah, it's pretty big for 3 ducks. i was so happy with the job he did. thanks for the comps!

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