Duck house size?????


Jan 11, 2018
Magee, Mississippi
My Coop
My Coop
The house that I have been using for my ducks is a old dog house that I built. What I am wondering is is the house opening to big or the house in general to big? It is 3 feet wide and 4 feet long. The opening is 2.5 feet square. Is any of this to large or to open for them to feel safe?
The house is a great size for 4 and small for more. If you feel they need a safer feeling sheltered spot you can always put a partition inside the dog house so there is a smaller more secluded area within it.
The house is a great size for 4 and small for more. If you feel they need a safer feeling sheltered spot you can always put a partition inside the dog house so there is a smaller more secluded area within it.
I was thinking about close by in the doorway to just a small opening about 1foot x1 foot
The house that I have been using for my ducks is a old dog house that I built. What I am wondering is is the house opening to big or the house in general to big? It is 3 feet wide and 4 feet long. The opening is 2.5 feet square. Is any of this to large or to open for them to feel safe?

A duck house can never be too large, it can only be too small. I never go with less than 5 square feet per duck, but you can safely go with 4, or even 3 if they're bantams.

I don't think ducks have any idea about what "feels" safe. Many ducks don't like housing in the first place. Ventilation one of the most important aspects of coop/house design, so I think a large opening is fine, assuming they actually ARE safe in a house that's always partially open.
The door for your duck house needs to be large enough so that 2 ducks can walk through together. They won't always do that but often enough that they'll get stuck if the opening is too small.

I haven't had ducks get stuck, but the definit move as a flock and will all try and run in and out of the house at the same time! When I unlock the door in the morning it's a mad rush and trample to see who can squeeze out first before the door is even fully open.

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