duck house size?


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2015
Im working on my duck home. It will be housing 2 Indian runners. I have a large dog house 30 by 38 inches will this be too large? Should I try to trade it for a smaller one? There is a slight possibility that I may have 3 ducks but probably there will only be 2 runners. I'm getting ducklings next week so I am working on the pen this month. I really would appreciate your help.
I don't think it being too big is a bad thing at all, well until it comes time to clean everyday ,haha but at least they'd always have enough room and wouldn't have to increase the size of the house if you ever got more. I do have one question what is the floor the dog house? I seen a post where they talked about getting those thicker rubber mats with holes in them so that the ducks are not always walking on flat wet poop, hope this helps a little :)
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Thanks its one of those plastic dog houses. I thought I would just but in bedding in the floor I will have to think about how to design it to clean faster. The house being larger I was worried it would be too cold in winter
Are you going to leave it in the same spot, or move the duck house from time to time? I put wheels on one end of mine and move it like a wheelbarrow to a fresh patch of grass once a week. As long as I put the flock away at night, I have not lost any ducks to predators.
I will probably leave it in one spot. The house is not heavy so I can move it without wheels for now when I can't I will use my dolly. I have a good one and use it weekly and daily.

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