Hope it's OK that I post a picture of our setup. I'm new here, my husband and I are getting our first ducks in the mail next Tuesday. He has been building a coop for them the last week and so far so good. We are going to add wire to the floor to deter tunneling predators and paint it next weekend. We'll have a deep litter system in the coop with pine shavings and sand and pea gravel in the run where their food and water/pool will be. We're getting four ducks.

He did a great job!!! Post a pic of your new babies when you get them.:)
The food and water "porch" is on the left with the house on the right

The house and porch are very secure. The run isn't used much because they get to free range.

Wow!! I love this, it looks great! It reminds me of a cabin by a lake that you would wanna get away to every weekend.

You people are brave! I don't have any pics right now but my run is 12x12 hardware cloth and 2x4s with a wire and paver skirt around it, combination locks and love video cameras! I'm soo paranoid though. They NEVER free range unless I'm literally staring at them full time. I'm a bit safety crazed. This is heir third coop in 2 years! Lol I always find out safer ways and build a whole new coop and run. I'll try to get pics up later. I'm letting ivy climb over it so it's like a little secret duck pen! Lol I'm nuts

I'm the same way with our ducks when it comes to free ranging. We have 3 Blue Swedish and they don't get to be out of their yard unless I'm out there with them. I don't mind letting the chickens free range without me out there with them, they stay close and always come running when I come out, the ducks however, well it's my own fault, I didn't spend enough time with them when they were babies so now that they are a little older (not babies but not laying yet) they don't really want much to do with us.
Lesson learned. Anyway, I'm afraid they would wander to far and I know they wouldn't come out at the sound of my voice like the chickens do so in their yard they will stay.

I don't think your nuts, I think your careful. I'm sure we will lose a bird to predators at some point but I'd really love to avoid it for as long as possible!
My ducks lead a simple life. Just a small wooden house thrown together by my brother-in-law in a couple hours and a kiddie pool. They would be so jealous!
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My ducks have finally got to move into their own house today!!!! So happy to get them out of the chicken house and into a place of their own. My son

Jason built, then placed the house and pen out by my pond. In a few days I will turn them out to the pond in the day time and at night they can be securely locked away in the "duck palace". WHOO HOO!!!! Happy ducks and happy ME.Notice, there are skylights on each side of the roof for extra lighting. I am so impressed with the awesome job Jason did.

wow, what a set-up! we just don't have anything even close to fancy but it keeps them safe and night and does the job(mine free range in the day)
Thanks to all of you for posting these pictures. You have given me lots of ideas for how to set up my duck housing and enclosure!

A question for those of you who keep your ducks year-round ... do you have any winter pictures with snow? I live in upstate NY and we typically get lots. Do you have to shovel a space for them to get around? What do you do about your ponds - assuming they're small kiddie-pool sized - do you keep them thawed with a pump or bubbler, or do you just not have a pond during the winter months?


Not handy i don't really shovel anything, other than the duck barns front porch and that is for my benefit and being able to open the door! lol as for ponds i chip ice out of them till they start to re-freeze immediately and then just cease for the season.. they do sneak into the horse trough though now & then, it has a heater. i try and not encourage heavy water use in the deep part of winter, i have only 'scovies, they are not as water proofed as other breeds and have those fleshy face areas.
You people are brave! I don't have any pics right now but my run is 12x12 hardware cloth and 2x4s with a wire and pave skirt around it, combination locks and love video cameras! I'm SO paranoid though. They NEVER free range unless I'm literally staring at them full time. I'm a bit safety crazed. This is heir third coop in 2 years! Lil I always find out safer ways and build a whole new coop and run. I'll try to get pics up later. I'm letting ivy climb over it so it's like a little secret duck pen! Lil I'm nuts

Sounds like quite the run, i would love a camera option.
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this is an old rabbit hutch that was given to me for the ducks... I'm not sure what would be best for the ducks (pekin's) to make it theirs. I am having my husband cut the feet off so it's lower to the ground for them to get in but should it be all the way on the ground? The box in the back needs to be open for better ventilation. But what about the flooring. it has that wire bottom and I'm scared to death that it will hurt them. Thanks to this thread i have read that the food and water shouldn't (in an opinion) be in the bed area. does their box need to be bigger? the top of the box opens for easier access.


this is the inside view.
Where in Canada are you? I'm in n. BC. Is your house insulated? Do you have a pond for them? How do you keep them in winter? I've been contemplating whether to keep water open for them, but I can imagine the heating bills would be astronomical.

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