Duck Hunters, No, The Other Way Around

Oregon Blues

8 Years
Apr 14, 2011
Central Oregon
It appears my ducklings are mighty hunters.

A house fly got into their brooder and it was chaos. All 12 of the week old ducklings were determined to get it.

The fly couldn't get out of the brooder because there is a hood. The ducklings couldn't catch it because it was too far over their heads. The panicked fly was zooming around with an entire pack of pushing, shoving, jumping, snapping, fluffy little peeps in slap-footed pursuit, each one trying to be the one to catch it and not allow anyone else to be the one to catch it.

The feeder got tipped over. Water and shavings were flung all over. The fly got away, and nobody suffered permanent injury, not even the fly.

I gotta tell you. The ducklings sure slept well afterwards. Probably dreaming of how to actually catch the fly the next time.
I can only imagine how entertaining that must have been! Although poor you having to deal with the aftermath
Only one of my ducks shows a real interest in catching flying things - it's very funny to watch her running around the garden after a bee or a fly!
They are certainly entertaining. My ducks give me a laugh every day.
Yesterday they were bobbing for koi in the pond.
Give them a big moth if you can... my husband and my father came home with a bunch of sphinx moths...the kind whose caterpillars eat your tomato plants (horn worms I think people call them) and I dropped them (they were cold and therefore lethargic) into the brooder one at a time.... I never had so much fun watching the insanity! They all ran and ran and chased the moth, finally one would catch it, but it was too big for them to swallow, so the captor would run with the moth in its mouth and all the others would chase the captor... who would drop it eventually and when the next duck picked it up, it happened all over again! Finally they managed to divide the moth and swallow it that way.... Since then when my dad comes over, he brings some big bug for them to chase.

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