Duck living with chickens

Mine all were raised together turkeys,ducks and peeps. Mostly different brooders but same room.

The ducks all have a place to go in at night either a large cage or a spot that is safe at night. Some go in big dog crates, think the biggest size they sale and getlocked in at night in the run. Ducks all sleep with ducks, turkeys with other turkeys etc.
Have only one drake so far that could not be trusted with the hens. He is such a lover.

So far so good in free range they all seem to hang with who ever they sleep with at night.

Baby ducks are soooooooooo cute but very messy and smelly till they feather out and can go out withthe big ducks.

I have three different types of ducks, ah make that 4 and each has a different personailty. Just find the breed you enjoy the most. I think enjoy the Pekins and runners the most to pick up and hold. The scovies are very quite and easy to take care of mine like to live out all day and night.

I am very much a water person so ducks just fit in with me.

I think that's what got me... they are so cute!!! I'm still undecided though...
I have always kept my ducks and chickens together, there water does need to be cleaned out more regularly, but other wise they've never been a problem. My ducks stick with the ducks and the chickens stick with the chickens and everyone is fine together. I love my ducks so if it was me I'd probably go for it! Although I'd probably get two. I've never had a duck try and breed the hens, although I did have a duck (female) and chick (also female) who lived together when they were little get really attach, crying for the other if they were separated. Since ducks grow so fast they ended up being separated for a few months (ducks got big enough to go out, but chicks needed more time) and when they were reintroduced the bond seemed to been broken.
I feel that all creatures should be in pairs so they can communicate, can you get a pair?
Also I didnt have problems at first with the ducks and chooks together but when mating time came, the drake got really nasty and attacked my oldest hen, I got sick of the chook water getting muddied too.
I built them their own run and they have been much happier and so have the chooks.
My ducks sleep on the pond at night!
I locked up the drake today for a while so his ducklings could go for a run on the grass and he missed his wifeyduck so much that he wont let me near her this afternoon. thats how much he enjoys her company!!

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