Duck pelvic distance question


Jul 2, 2020
Southern Minnesota
Okay, sorry guys, sort of an odd question that Google doesn't seem to be resolving for me...

Five ducks (4 ducks, 1 drake). One began laying (yay) four days ago and has laid an egg each day. Trying to figure out which lady it's coming from, I have narrowed it down to two. The golden 300's both have a significant spacing between their pelvic bones. One, slightly more than the other, so bam! That's my girl! The second one, is so close to the same spacing and I can feel a lump... .... ..... is that an egg? It makes sense that it would be based on where it's sitting, right? I feel silly because what else is going to be a lump in that area, right?
A drop of food coloring in the vent will tell you.
This would tell me which duck is the current layer, right?... Because the dye would show on the eggs themselves for a few days after being applied, right?

I guess I'm not as curious as to which one is laying, as it's only 2 possibilities, and the other will (should) start soon but, rather if indeed the lump is an egg and she's going to plop it out late in the day? It's dumb, I know, lol. Not like any of us know for sure without holding the darn duck but, yea. I work today and I don't want a frozen exploded egg 🙃
You could also isolate one by one the suspects and determine that way! (Or go the classic spy cam in the coop rute)

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