duck pond


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2020
hello! I have 4 ducklings, all of them a little over 2 weeks old. I live in florida so they haven't been on the heat lamp in like a week. right now, they are sleeping in a dog crate and they are let out in the mornings to a kiddie pool with a ramp where they can swim. I will soon be putting them in their coop with access to the natural pond we have (of course once they have their feathers and are confident swimmers). should I build a smaller pond that they can have access to? if so, does anyone have any pond ideas that are easy to clean and that look nice? (p.s. they aren't very adventurous and will stay in the same corner all day)
What ever path you take understand that ducks hate change and will take time to adapt to new environmental situations. Also they are about to enter their teen age phase where they tend to become scared of everything. Good luck with them.
What ever path you take understand that ducks hate change and will take time to adapt to new environmental situations. Also they are about to enter their teen age phase where they tend to become scared of everything. Good luck with them.
okay thank you! I had no idea that they hate change. and that explains why they are afraid of me now😅

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