Duck processing questions


Apr 30, 2021
Douglasville, GA
I have 4 jumbo pekins that are not long for this world and I have a few processing questions.

I understand with ducks you’re supposed to wait until their first molt. How can I tell that’s happening? They’re about 3/4 feathers and 1/4 down right now and look slightly scruffy. Not sure how to tell. They are 5.5 weeks right now.

Next question is what size stock pot should I get for scalding… and where can I find good info on waxing etc. or a website that I can get all the tools in one go.

I skin my ducks, so don't have personal experience with plucking. But I ran across a nice guide to raising ducks for meat recently. Here's a quote from it:

Unlike other poultry, with ducks you cannot simply process them when they get big enough; you’ll want to wait until they get big enough, of course, but this must also coincide with a narrow window of time in which they will pluck cleanly. Because the Pekin grows so quickly, typically reaching slaughter weight in 8 or 9 weeks (when they will almost certainly pluck cleanly), certain hiccups, such as an unseasonably warm September (like we experienced in 2019), will slow down their growth and set them back so that, if they aren’t big enough at 8 or 9 weeks, you must wait until they are 12 to 13 weeks before they will again pluck cleanly.
Here's the article:

It has info on waxing as well.

They use 9-gallon pots for scalding.
I use a 5 gallon brew pot for scalding.

I found this website handy when I got started. I skip the feed restriction the day prior however, its not that important to me, and really creates no issues butchering that clean running water can't fix. and I bleed my ducks out - complete decapitation with a SHARP! chef's knife.

I do a couple a season now, mostly for special meals (holidays) or because I want "red" meat poultry. Ground duck makes great burgers.

I have processed at "bad" times. Its time consuming. If you are going to disrobe the duck, however, it doesn't matter. Otherwise, the recommends are between 7-8 weeks, 12 weeks, 18-19 weeks. I've butchered at ages up to almost a year (sausage). Wet age in the fridge after processing for two-three days. If your fridge is really clean, you can remove the duck from the plastic, sit on a big plate, and let the fridge move air over it for up to four more days - improves the flavor (intensity) helps the skin crisp up by removing additional moisture.

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