Duck Processor? (Ohio)


13 Years
Jun 12, 2008
I ended up with 8 Drakes and 2 Ducks when I got Magpies. I’ve tried to rehome them without any luck, so I need to have them processed. I processed several of my other ducks earlier this year, and really don’t want to process ducks again. Local places near me are $15-25 a bird!

Looking for some place more reasonable...located in the Dayton area.
What kind of problems have you run into when processing yourself that you're reluctant to try it again?

The feathers are the worst part for me when it comes to the ducks...but with these guys, they weren’t added to my flock to be dinner. They were sold as Ducks, but it wasn’t long before most of my “Ducks” turned out to be Drakes. So I have the added issue of being attached to them like long-term flock members instead of birds being raised for eating.

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