Duck regurgitation


In the Brooder
Nov 29, 2023
Hi! I have two ducks. Male (Pekin) and female (mix of Pekin). They are 4 months old. I am new to owning ducks. They are indoor outdoor ducks. They sleep inside at night and we allow them to roam during the day and swim. We love them dearly.

Yesterday I noticed what looked to be my ducks throwing up or regurgitating their food. They were opening their mouth, shaking head side to side and peas and worms came out whole almost like they weren’t even chewed or crushed. Which were given to them maybe 30 min prior. My Twixie girl did try to get in some dry cat food and successfully took some, where I am assuming my boy did too.

When they vomited they were in the car with us. We take them on car rides occasionally. They are acting normal now. But I was really scared they were like choking. Idk I am a worry wort.

Do we think it’s because of cat food? Not big enough grit? (We have been using chick grit and was going to transition after the bag was empty to adult kind), or stress of car?

Thank you!
it sounds like it could be a combination of all the things you mentioned so my suggestions are

get the bigger grit

don’t feed them right before car trips

make sure they always have water and grit available on the side whenever they have any food or snack

feed less snacks — only 10% of diet is to be treats

and, a question, what kind of regular duck feed do you give them now?
it sounds like it could be a combination of all the things you mentioned so my suggestions are

get the bigger grit

don’t feed them right before car trips

make sure they always have water and grit available on the side whenever they have any food or snack

feed less snacks — only 10% of diet is to be treats

and, a question, what kind of regular duck feed do you give them now?
So separate grit in a bowl or can I mix with food? I was mixing when they were little.

I use the nature valley organic feed in the yellow bag. I thought they transitioned an adult feed after laying eggs. I have a boy and girl. Should I transition to the adult food now or wait?

Thank you!
Grit should always be in a dish off the side. They will take as much as they need when they need it.

I did a search and couldn’t find a nature valley brand, but this is natures best brand is this the one you meant?


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So separate grit in a bowl or can I mix with food? I was mixing when they were little.

I use the nature valley organic feed in the yellow bag. I thought they transitioned an adult feed after laying eggs. I have a boy and girl. Should I transition to the adult food now or wait?

Thank you!

Grit should always be in a dish off the side. They will take as much as they need when they need it.

I did a search and couldn’t find a nature valley brand, but this is natures best brand is this the one you meant?
Yes this one!
That feed is fine in adulthood you don’t need to switch, but what you do at age 5 months or if you see eggs before that, ( I started when mine were 4 1/2 months) is you put out a bowl of oyster shell crumbles or flakes - for calcium- and the female will take what she needs the drake might try it, but after that he’ll leave it alone. My ducks prefer the flaked oyster shell. They also love it when I when I rinse and dry and crumble and give back to them the egg shells from the eggs that they lay
Thank you for the info! We have oyster shell for our chickens and we do the same thing for them.

So I should assume they are fine since they are acting OK after that puking episode last night? I am taking them to a vet in a couple weeks just to do a wellness check and learn more. I love them so much.

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