Duck sex

Debora Howe

6 Years
Oct 13, 2017
I need to know how to tell males from females.


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do they quack? Any with a whispery rasp are drakes, any who quack are hens-
If you arent sure, could you get close up photos of each duck so we can get a close look at the feathers around their tails-how old are they?
I got them at the end of February


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In Khaki Campbells, like yours, the boys will usually have really dark feathers above the tail like your duck who is pictured alone. Females are often lighter and always have two-toned lighter feathers above their tails. The boys bills are turning blue-green and the girls bills are getting darker pinky brown. In your picture of the two ducks. The one in front is a drake and the one behind him is a hen. Below is an old picture of two of mine.


It look to me like you have 4 girls and 2 boys.
In Khaki Campbells, like yours, the boys will usually have really dark feathers above the tail like your duck who is pictured alone. Females are often lighter and always have two-toned lighter feathers above their tails. The boys bills are turning blue-green and the girls bills are getting darker pinky brown. In your picture of the two ducks. The one in front is a drake and the one behind him is a hen. Below is an old picture of two of mine.

View attachment 3171179

It look to me like you have 4 girls and 2 boys.
Ok thank you

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