Duck sleeps all night in pool


5 Years
Jan 9, 2015
I built an outdoor wire pen for my drake and duck. It's covered and measures 6' x 9' with a 2' x 3' enclosed box at one end. It is safe from any predators. My ducks have never used the box which is lined in straw. The duck spends the entire night in a small tub filled with water and the drake stands on a rock next to the tub. I thought for sure they would want to "hide" in the box area at night! Anyone have any idea why?
I built an outdoor wire pen for my drake and duck. It's covered and measures 6' x 9' with a 2' x 3' enclosed box at one end. It is safe from any predators. My ducks have never used the box which is lined in straw. The duck spends the entire night in a small tub filled with water and the drake stands on a rock next to the tub. I thought for sure they would want to "hide" in the box area at night! Anyone have any idea why?

Can the box be closed? and is there ventilation? your ducks maybe wary since being inside they could get cornered they are prey remember, they have to be trained to go inside you can herd them in at night or toss some treats in and close the door once they are inside. but for their safety and comfort they should be kept inside their house at night. and if your having the frigid temps most of us are having you may find a duck frozen in the tub in the morning which could cause frost bite. or worse. Last year someone had a duck that sat in his water bowl over night and he lost his foot because of it.
I live in California so no worries about them freezing but it can't be comfortable for her to sit in there all night. I believe the drake is trying to keep her safe by insisting she stay in the middle of the "pond"! Their wire pen is secure and they are locked up in that at night and let out during the day. Inside the wire pen is this box. It is three sided with a roof and I hung some fabric down over the front and cut it in ribbons to make it look secluded. I've tried tying up the fabric, leaving it down, leaving it halfway down. But I don't have a way of actually locking them up in it. It is a mystery to me why they won't use it. The hen lays her egg in the middle of the wire pen each day. I thought she would at least check out the box as a possible place to nest.
A couple of mine insist spending the night in their pool also. I keep a hose running on low in it so it doesn't freeze. They are fat healthy and happy. I have shelter available but they won't stay in it.
They are ducks! Ducks like to sit in the open and are very comfy sitting on water all night. Just like we might like to sleep on a water bed I suppose.
If it is completely secure then there is nothing to worry about. I would get rid of the fabric though because any wind could spook them. While it makes sense that they would want to be in a nice closed off house I have found my much prefer to be out in the open so to speak. They would sleep in their kiddie pool all day and would have to be hearded in every night to their secure house. You could toss in some treats to their "house" every night to entice them but they will use it when they want to. Most of CA doesn't get cold enough for you to worry about them getting too cold.

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