Duck struggles to walk

I’m not sure how old she is, we got her last year and have had her for about a year. I put her in the pool so she can relax and she is kind of shaking. Is there anything you can think I can do to help?
Can you post a video of what she is doing? maybe she is cold if she is shaking?

right not she is just laying down so I don’t want to mess with her to get her up and for some reason it won’t let me post a video, so I am just uploading a picture of what was happening earlier when she would try to walk
Could she have gotten into some kind of toxin? plant, stagnant water , something dead? moldy feed?
What vitamins are you giving her?
Can she get to food and water? I'd place her in a small area and place food and water where she can get to it. How does her poop look

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