duck swap a no-go


10 Years
Aug 1, 2009
the back of my horse
We've got six ducks (2 pekins, 4 mallards) and we have four drakes and two hens. I had planned on trading two of the drakes for two hens with someone my husband works with, but now he has changed his mind saying he has too many ducks but will still give us two hens. I've considered listing the two drakes on Craigslist, but I just can't bring myself to do it. We'll have an even number of males and females now, but do you think that will just create more of a problem? My biggest concern is in the winter when we'll be locking everyone up at night (right now they free range 24/7) and I worry about them all fighting too much in a confined space. Should I just suck it up and keep looking for another home for the extra drakes?
Well, if you wait it out, keep on eye on your hens. They may get overbred. It can take time to rehome drakes, so I would start now.
The drakes might fight and they might overbreed the females, and the chances of someone getting hurt along the way are pretty high.

Now that I am breeding, I am debating the different ways I might deal with my inevitable overstock of boys. One thing I've considered is keeping a separate pen for a "bachelor flock" where all my boys that are not breeding would go. I have heard of this working, but obviously have no personal experience.

Good luck with whatever you do.
Since we have to construct a new house/pen anyway, I've considered doing separate housing, but on the other hand, I want simplicity. I don't want them to have to give up their free range time and I don't want to have to rotate - let the girls out for a while, put them back, let the boys out. Hmmm, I guess I have more thinking to do.
It is supposed to be okay to have 1:1 ratio in a small flock. Just watch them and make sure the hens aren't getting the short end of the stick
Well, my husband brought the new girls home yesterday.
They are rouens and I must say I definitely see the difference between them and mallards now. Our mallard hen, Puddle, is so petite and dainty looking next to these hefty girls. lol! I've made the decision that I am going to rehome the bachelor drakes. In fact, I think I've found a home for one already. They've all merged nicely together and Puddle and our pekin hen, Splish, really seem to like the new girls. The guys are all, well, being guys about it.

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