Duck vs Quail. Bickering Thread.

Ducks or Quail

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That is all a myth. Thousands of people, even farmers, keep ducks without ponds
You are entitled to your opinion, I watched my neighbors ducks daily yearning for water to swim in. I’m not saying people don’t do it, or can’t do it, I just think they need water to live full lives. I also rescued a parrot in the past, and it made me rethink the idea of putting birds that are meant to fly and live in trees, into cages. It’s probably not a popular opinion among parrot owners, but I think it’s cruel, so I wouldn’t buy a baby parrot, an adult who’s been abandoned by a fickle owner is another story, sometimes you just have to do your best with what you’re dealt. I wouldn’t choose to start keeping or raising ducklings without a water source, but if one wandered into my yard I would fill a baby pool for it as often as I could every day until I could find a home for it where it could swim.
We have Muscovy ducks and Japanese quail. Both are great.

Our ducks free range all the time (no major predators in NZ) and they've had a huge impact on the insect population on our 11.6 acres. Not sure I'd want them in a small backyard though, especially when broody. Broody duck poop is disgusting. :sickMy stomach doesn't like duck eggs unfortunately but for bug control they can't be beat.

Our quail live in the aviary with cockatiels, doves and bourkes parakeets. Our quail were raised with lots of handling and the kids love picking them up. The quail are very tolerant of this. They are always underfoot too. I can eat quail eggs no problem.

So I'm on the fence.
We have Muscovy ducks and Japanese quail. Both are great.

Our ducks free range all the time (no major predators in NZ) and they've had a huge impact on the insect population on our 11.6 acres. Not sure I'd want them in a small backyard though, especially when broody. Broody duck poop is disgusting. :sickMy stomach doesn't like duck eggs unfortunately but for bug control they can't be beat.

Our quail live in the aviary with cockatiels, doves and bourkes parakeets. Our quail were raised with lots of handling and the kids love picking them up. The quail are very tolerant of this. They are always underfoot too. I can eat quail eggs no problem.

So I'm on the fence.
So if someone came to you with a duck in one hand and a Quail in the other. Which would you pick. Not both! :lol:

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