Duck wing injury


Mar 1, 2021
Downeast Maine
My 2-year-old White Crested duck seems to have injured her left wing yesterday morning. I haven't found any wounds, but she's carrying the wing lower and held out from her side. When she walks, the wing tip jiggles.
She's eating, drinking, acting normal except that she's much more willing to let me handle her than usual.
I carefully felt around but I just don't have a strong enough grasp of wing anatomy to tell just what the problem is. I'm not able to manually tuck the wing back against her side; it's as if the shoulder or humerus is out of place, keeping the wing held away.

I've included a few photos to show the carriage of the wing, both lower and farther out. You can see she's also molting and has some seriously gross feather quality happening.

Is there something I should be doing to treat this? Maybe wrapping the wing against her body (but again, I'm not able to tuck it snugly against her)? Or is rest and time the best option? Unfortunately the only nearby poultry vet (a 2-hour-each-way trip) has closed; I'd be looking at a 7+ hour round trip assuming I could even get an appointment.




It may be she has a sprain but she could have dislocated it. Since you can lay it flat out next to her body can you feel anything out of place compared to the other wing? I was going to say you could wrap it like for angel wing but if it is dislocated that would most likely be painful. I wonder if she flapped her wings and maybe hit her wing on something?
It may be she has a sprain but she could have dislocated it. Since you can lay it flat out next to her body can you feel anything out of place compared to the other wing? I was going to say you could wrap it like for angel wing but if it is dislocated that would most likely be painful. I wonder if she flapped her wings and maybe hit her wing on something?
Watching her today I do think a sprain is a possibility, as she was able to move it a bit today, unlike the past two days. I sure hope it's not dislocated as I've got no idea how to fix that for her. I opted not to wrap partly because she doesn't seem to be able to fold it tightly against her, and also because I'm about to leave town for 9 days. My husband loves the ducks and will care for them while I'm gone but is not adept at fussing with bandages!

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