Duckling Feather Stages..Question


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 24, 2011
Coweta, Oklahoma

This is my first time raising ducks and I'm not sure what's going on with they're feathers. They are 2 1/2 weeks old and seem to be going bald in some areas or just completely thined out. Today I came home to find all their little tail feathers gone. I expected that they would just loose their down and baby feathers would be left. They kind of look like porcupines in some areas, especially on the lower chest/stomach area on 3 of them. At first I thought they were getting a rash or something. They are in a kiddie pool with lots of room, no one is being picked on, they are eating & drinking well, they are huge and they are eating Mazuri Waterfowl starter with oats mixed in. I add fresh pine shavings in the morning and completely change it out at night. They also get a bath at night, but they seem so water logged. I've had to feed each of them peas by hand while I towel dry them off.

Is there something wrong and can anyone tell me the stages of feathering out for ducklings. Thanks.
Here's my ducklings feather stages:

1. Baby fluff

2. Tiny baby feathers

3. They shed the fluff, and feathers, and grow in downy (SOFT, fluffy stuff)

4. Shed downy, and grow in feathers (Wing feathers take a little longer to sprout in).

Could you post a pic of them? It sounds sort of normal, but I could get a better guess if I could see them!
It looks like I'm at stage 3. My cayuga & black swedish ducks are not as bad as the pekin, buff or welsh ducks. I'll post pics as soon as I can.

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