Duckling head deformity

I’m embarrassed to say I’m afraid to touch it for consistency. When I applied ointment I used a qtip. Regardless even if I touched it, without pressing on it I wouldn’t know if there was skull there or not, and I wouldn’t wanna press on the bump.

I'm afraid I would not be able to touch it either. Since it really does not matter, we just need it to heal over. Let's hope the others leave it alone since it's not red any longer.
I'd have to touch to find out if skull was under that way you'd at least know there was something there to protect the brain. Just me.

Oh lord. Initially I thought it was the brain. But I feel like it wouldn’t have made if that long had this been the case. I just dont understand what it IS. I almost feel like asking a vet.
This thread was back in 2010. The bubble has feathers but do you think it looks kinda similar. Thread name was
"Duckling hatched with a bubble giant bubble on it's head"
Did you help this duckling hatch? Maybe he hatched too early.
This is also a possibility, although I feel like by that point, the skull would’ve been ready. I did help him hatch, but not significantly. It had been over 24 hour since pip, but then he had started to unzip and spent several more hours poking through the same hole and screaming. So we broke apart a bit of the shell and he pushed out.

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