Duckling illness


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 5, 2014
Fairfield, CT
I have 3 ducklings that are about 2 weeks old. One is a Blue Swedish and the other two are Indian Runners, all female. I have noticed when they are laying down in their enclosure, a strange sound coming from one of them, almost a wheezing and sometimes clicking when they breathe (almost like there is something stuck in there) I have not seen any discharge from their bills, however I noticed some unusually watery and light brown stool from one of them. I am wondering if their vocals may be changing, or if I may have some ill ducklings. Does anyone have any words of advice? Should I take them to my veterinarian?
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They have a heating lap (100 watts) that is on one side of the's elevated about 18-20 inches above them. They do pant, but not all of them. They sometimes huddle in a corner and other times they are spread out.
It sounds similar to something that happened with me. I thought they were getting sick, it was after their first week. Turned out they didn't need it anymore. The temp inside (high 70s?) was already warm enough. I removed the lamp, and they did much better, clearly happier.

This might not be the case with you, but give it a shot. It sounds very very similar.

If I remember correctly, they were actually still getting hot without the lamp in the high 70s! I stopped using a/c for them, and had to start using it again
Oh, btw I had read they are suppose to move closer or away from heat as needed. Turns out they don't always. Especially in smaller areas I think.. Mine didn't. I definitely never would have guessed heat was the issue until someone mentioned it here to me. I was under the impression they needed heat lamps much longer. Turns out that depends on time of year, and location in the world. Both of those make a huge difference but its not often mentioned with plants or animals.

I found this yesterday, not sure if its accurate but seems good and looks legit:

It says optimum temp for duckling at 14 days is 73°F --- I would have thought that was too cold before..

Mine sleep outside for the first time last night (with a heat lamp) with a low of 50. They slept by it, to my surprise, they were walking around this morning away from the lamp. It was 56! and they seemed fine. Only 26 days old.. they grow so fast!
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enriquec makes a good point - you need to watch the temperature in the brooder.

A few other things come to mind as possibilities.

Respiratory infection - bacterial or fungal
Sinus infection
Random odd little quirk

Get a non-breakable thermometer and find out the temperature in the brooder.
Check the feed - any sign of mold? How is the bedding? Is it dusty in there?
Can you see through the nares?
Can you make a video and upload it?
I'm sorry to reply so late in the game, but my Vet was stumped by my ducklings... but everything turned out to be alright and they are fine now :)
I'm sorry to reply so late in the game, but my Vet was stumped by my ducklings... but everything turned out to be alright and they are fine now

That's great! It can often be the heat...My ducks hated the heatlamp even when it was in the 50's at night by the time they were 5 weeks.

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