duckling not eating


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 14, 2013
I just hatched out a duckling yesterday but I can't get her to eat. I can only get poultry starter in my area and I'm not sure if that will work. Please help. We just can't lose her
I just hatched out a duckling yesterday but I can't get her to eat. I can only get poultry starter in my area and I'm not sure if that will work. Please help. We just can't lose her
They live off the yolk sac for a couple days so don't get too alarmed. try offering her a little chick starter tomorrow with a little warm water mixed into it. Offer water now. dip her bill into it. she may not even take water yet.
Sorry I took so long to reply. Thankyou for the info, she took off eating like a pro on day 2 :)
Sorry I took so long to reply. Thankyou for the info, she took off eating like a pro on day 2
So happy to hear it. Now we need pics!!

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