Duckling Walking Like Its Drunk...???

Mary Coleman

7 Years
Sep 22, 2012
North Eastern Oregon
On Thursday, I had to help a duckling hatch out of the egg. It started to zip and suddenly stopped for a very long time (my other two ducklings took about 10 minutes) and the outside of the shell started to turn brown and smelled really bad. It was peeping like crazy struggling to get out. I know helping them usually is a bad idea, and I waited as long as I could. Once I did help it out, there was no blood and no yolk left on her belly, so I know that she was ready to get out. The inside of the shell was a nasty brown color and smelled really bad. I put her in the brooder and you could tell she was weaker than the others. I left her in there all night and in the morning she was walking... or staggering around. Her head wobbles aroung and her feet kinda stumble. Its kinda cute, but not what a duckling should do. She eats and drinks normally and interacts with the others. Anybody ever heard of this or had experience with this? Please nobody go on and on about how helping them out of the egg is bad.
I have no idea.. but it sounds like she's very sick
If it smelled bad maybe the egg got infected. There's an article on yolk sac infection/omphalitis but with a closed navel and wobbling it doesn't really make sense.

Good job on helping her, I hope she gets better!
On Thursday, I had to help a duckling hatch out of the egg. It started to zip and suddenly stopped for a very long time (my other two ducklings took about 10 minutes) and the outside of the shell started to turn brown and smelled really bad. It was peeping like crazy struggling to get out. I know helping them usually is a bad idea, and I waited as long as I could. Once I did help it out, there was no blood and no yolk left on her belly, so I know that she was ready to get out. The inside of the shell was a nasty brown color and smelled really bad. I put her in the brooder and you could tell she was weaker than the others. I left her in there all night and in the morning she was walking... or staggering around. Her head wobbles aroung and her feet kinda stumble. Its kinda cute, but not what a duckling should do. She eats and drinks normally and interacts with the others. Anybody ever heard of this or had experience with this? Please nobody go on and on about how helping them out of the egg is bad.
I'd get her some good poultry vitamins or Poly Vi Sol baby vitamins with out iron. if you go with the baby vitamins give her 1 drop 2X a day if you go with the poultry vitamins you can add to their water as long as you know she is drinking a good amount. Hopefully she will get better as the days go by. Poultry Nutri Drench can be given straight into the mouth also which gets into the blood stream quicker than via gut.
Okay. I will look for some poultry vitamins. What do you think could be causing this?
I really don't know but sounds like something happened in the egg especially from what you describe was in it and the smell. Someone who uses an incubator alot like @Lacrystol or @casportpony maybe able to help you figure out what might have happened. Just make sure the lil one can eat and drink okay and isn't getting picked on by the rest of the ducklings.
No, I don't have a vet to help me out. She acts like a duckling should. Eats, drinks, peeps, runs around, she just can't walk like a normal duckling. She can walk though. Will she get better as time goe on?
Only time will tell. You probably saved her life. I am sure everyone here has rushed a hatch at some point don't worry...we aren't the judging type! Good nutrition, clean water and bed and warmth is all you can do. Make sure the others don't suddenly decide to bully her. Good luck!
No, I don't have a vet to help me out. She acts like a duckling should. Eats, drinks, peeps, runs around, she just can't walk like a normal duckling. She can walk though. Will she get better as time goe on?
Keep us updated on how she responds to some extra vitamins, she may never be 100% but sounds like she will be okay I'm hoping with a little extra nutritional support she'll be 100%

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