Duckling won't/can't walk

You probably already know this but I found this page on The Poultry Site. I haven't visited this site before. There's someone called CrazyChick/Laura that seems to have what I think is extensive medical knowledge. She knows all the big words anyway
. On this page she talks about ascites, conditions, treatment. And further down talks about anemia and worms, vaccines, etc. It's a Canadian site, I believe. Here's the link if you want to have a look:

Well, baby duck is no longer with us. He was going downhill fast and it was all he could do to breathe. I feel really awful about not picking up on it sooner. But I suppose it's experiences like this that will benefit future babies--I'll know what to look for. You have been such a tremendous help and comfort to me, Lydia. I am so sorry that you are going through your own ordeal right now. I don't guess you ever get used to it, huh?

How are your little hatchlings coming along? How many have made their debut to the world?
So sorry to hear about your duckling.
I have enjoyed talking to you the last couple of days even though it has ended sadly we know your duckling and my hen are no longer struggling. That brings comfort. Please stay in touch and let us know how things go with Jimney and what you decide to do. All the best. And so far only 2 as of last night, haven't looked this morning her pinches hurt. LOL
Thanks Lydia. I've enjoyed talking to you too. I'm so glad you are out there. I think it's amazing that we can be on complete opposite sides of the country and have a way to find someone who has the answers to our questions. I lived in the tidewater area of Virginia twice---Hampton and Gloucester/Yorktown. My husband is military but his family is from the Blue Ridge Mountains in Avon, Virginia. It is so beautiful! And I know N. Carolina looks much the same where you are. So very pretty. I would love to stay in touch with you too. I hope to have happy news to report when Blossom has her next batch. Take care.

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