Ducklings and water


6 Years
Jun 26, 2013
My little ducklings arent ready to come out in the open yet, and I keep them in the barn.
Seeing how much they love water, I would like to give them a small tub where they can swim. But since I dont want to change their water all the time I wonder:

How long does it take water to become "bad" at around 60F when the ducklings obviously poop in the water?
How tough are my little ducklings when it comes to dirty water?
With all the smiles and hugs I can send, please don't let them have swim water unsupervised till they are fully feathered. You can give them a ramp, you can fill it just a little bit, my experience with 'lings and ducks is that they will hurt themselves in the least expected ways.

Water management is key with waterfowl. They need water for swimming, washing, and recreation. But when they are littles, they need to be protected from their own propensity to get themselves into (sometimes fatal) trouble.
My little ducklings arent ready to come out in the open yet, and I keep them in the barn.
Seeing how much they love water, I would like to give them a small tub where they can swim. But since I dont want to change their water all the time I wonder:

How long does it take water to become "bad" at around 60F when the ducklings obviously poop in the water?
How tough are my little ducklings when it comes to dirty water?
How old are they?. if not feathered out then they should not be in water unless supervised. I use a kitty litter pan with my very young ducklings and after they are through playing I dump it out.
They are 14 days.
If they were to get a tiny tub, I would of course make it in a way that they always had a way to get out, I wouldn't want those little thingies to drown.
I did in fact have a kiddy litter pan in mind, I just think it would be annoying to carry it outside and dump it (yes i know, i shouldnt be that lazy), since I cannot throw it out where the ducklings are now, concrete floor with straw, it would be muddy and weet like forever.
They are 14 days.
If they were to get a tiny tub, I would of course make it in a way that they always had a way to get out, I wouldn't want those little thingies to drown.
I did in fact have a kiddy litter pan in mind, I just think it would be annoying to carry it outside and dump it (yes i know, i shouldnt be that lazy), since I cannot throw it out where the ducklings are now, concrete floor with straw, it would be muddy and weet like forever.
Well when mine started getting into the kitty litter pan this was 4 ducklings it was pretty nasty by the end of the day and that was with me adding fresh water to it during the day.
As said at that aging, you cannot leave them alone, you will have trouble, ie; dead ducks They get trapped/waterlogged and drown. It is annoying hauling water but that is part of ducks and will only worsen as they age, i own more ducks here than chickens and water is my bigger task and time taker above all else.

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