ducks and chickens alike


In the Brooder
Feb 10, 2017
Brant, Michigan
We have had chickens and ducks for 3 years now. This last year we went through a bit of a change, due to too many drake Peking, we had to make some changes. We had duck for Thanksgiving and smoked some for sandwiches. One was adopted by our son and Aflac, now lives in Harrison, Michigan. One drake the only one that we really could keep track of ( Buster) , due to a black mark on his head, stayed, while 2 hens that did not have the strength to endure Buster past away, probably due to heat and Busters strong manly needs. So in the fall we added 4 new Rouens, life was a little mellower, for ducks and chickens alike. This spring we added 2 Khaki campbells , that after their stay in the little house seamed quite at home when added to the Big chicken coop. It was thought that they were both female, now not to sure, Buster, the drake Pekin, and one of the Cambells seem to have a grudge at each other, constantly chasing each other away from the others. Now we were wondering if this might be because the Cambell is a drake also. Trying to decide if one must go. this is hard for us, you see we have an abundance of Bantams, 3 hens and due to a fall hach 5 roosters, they have their days but most have paired, which includes 4 ( I believe ) Orpingtons. We love them all even though we are miss matched, but a bit frustrated with the racing all over. need a little in put?
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Too many boys pretty much always leads to problems unless you keep them in a bachelor pad.
Unless you need fertile eggs to sell or hatch, folks have been living " rooster / drake-less. Hens will lay the same amount of eggs albeit infertile ones, and be happier with a male harassing them.

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