Ducks and Chickens


In the Brooder
Jun 29, 2015

Right now I have 2 ducks (a Pekin and an all black duck that stands normally - not sure on her breed) and 11 chickens (one silkie rooster and 10 various hens). The Pekin is a male, the black duck is a female. They are all 18 weeks old, save for the 2 silkies (one roo, one hen) which are 21 weeks old.

So the Pekin duck got into a fight with the rooster yesterday because the rooster was being, well, a rooster. So they were establishing dominance. I assume this is normal and I should only be concerned if one of them starts bleeding.

Today, I noticed the Pekin duck going around and nibbling and following the hens around more than usual. He's always sort of nibbled on them since they all grew up together but it was more prominent today. He also came up to me, nibbled on my fingers a little (usual) but then stretched his neck all along my forearm and bit a little harder onto my bicep (not usual). He curiously nibbles on the hens but I can't tell if he's trying to mate with them or if hes establishing dominance. I thought if he had the female black duck that he wouldn't try to hurt my chickens but now I am worried.

If anyone has any insight it would be extremely appreciated.

Thank you
Your black duck is probably a Black Swedish or Cayuga duck. Anyhow, I think the best thing to do now is to invest in some more hens, as he's probably needing more. The proper ratio is 4 to six hens per drake, and sometimes a drake will rape hens, in which case you will need to seperate them.
Thank you for your reply. We are at our limit for birds - I live in a neighborhood that allows for only 12 birds and we're pushing it with 13 at the moment. I would have to give him away unfortunately, but its not worth him raping my chickens.
Thank you for your reply. We are at our limit for birds - I live in a neighborhood that allows for only 12 birds and we're pushing it with 13 at the moment. I would have to give him away unfortunately, but its not worth him raping my chickens.

That sucks. But good luck in your future with the poultry! :)

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