ducks and tricks!


May 9, 2015
What kind of tricks have you taught your ducks to do? And how did you train them to do so? So far we are working on coming when called, it is going slightly well, I don't think we have figured out her favorite treat yet. What is your ducks favorite treat?
What kind of tricks have you taught your ducks to do? And how did you train them to do so? So far we are working on coming when called, it is going slightly well, I don't think we have figured out her favorite treat yet. What is your ducks favorite treat?
PEAS!!! Peas are by far their favorite treat. They are literally crazy for them! I'm not really sure if this counts as a trick, but they know when the come in from our walk outside they need to go into their pen BEFORE they get rewarded with peas. They just waddle on in and wait. I'm pretty impressed with that. We have two Perkins who are almost 5 weeks old on Sunday.
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That is awesome, definitely a trick you must be really good at training. What kind of peas do you use (frozen and thawed or fresh?) And how early did you begin giving it to them?
That is awesome, definitely a trick you must be really good at training. What kind of peas do you use (frozen and thawed or fresh?) And how early did you begin giving it to them?
Thank you! I think it had to do with sticking to a routine. I give them thawed frozen peas. We planted a garden this year with fresh peas, so they will be getting those soon too. :) I starting giving them peas at about 2 1/2 weeks old with a small amount of chick grit. I just gave them a small handful a day until I knew they we okay with them. I also starting giving them kale this week at pool time. They like it but not even half as much as the peas.
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Thank you! I think it had to do with sticking to a routine. I give them thawed frozen peas. We planted a garden this year with fresh peas, so they will be getting those soon too. :) I starting giving them peas at about 2 1/2 weeks old with a small amount of chick grit. I just gave them a small handful a day until I knew they we okay with them. I also starting giving them kale this week at pool time. They like it but not even half as much as the peas.
awesome I'm going to work hard at trying to keep a routine :) I am going to try the peas thank you for the tip I gave her the end of a domain lettuce heart today and she loved it I'm so happy she likes treats now it's a fun experience
awesome I'm going to work hard at trying to keep a routine :) I am going to try the peas thank you for the tip I gave her the end of a domain lettuce heart today and she loved it I'm so happy she likes treats now it's a fun experience
Awe! She's adorable! They are just so much fun, aren't they? We are in the process of building their duck house and enclosure so I'm a hoping the transition goes well and they will go into their house at night with peas like they do into their pen inside... I'm nervous because they are my babies! I told the hubby I won't put them outside unless he builds fort Knox!
I'm so happy you made this thread! I just bought myself a clicker and I'm trying to train my ducks. Right now I'm still on the beginning phase of teaching them that click = treat. It'll be a ton of work, but I'm hoping someday they could have a decent repertoire! Someone a while ago was telling a story about how they taught their ducks the "stay" command. Wobbles knows "jump", but he still won't do it unless he sees a treat in my hand. Lil' stinker. :p
I'm so happy you made this thread! I just bought myself a clicker and I'm trying to train my ducks. Right now I'm still on the beginning phase of teaching them that click = treat. It'll be a ton of work, but I'm hoping someday they could have a decent repertoire! Someone a while ago was telling a story about how they taught their ducks the "stay" command. Wobbles knows "jump", but he still won't do it unless he sees a treat in my hand. Lil' stinker. :p
That sounds like a really neat idea Amykins. You should keep us updated as to how it goes... And somewhat off subject, but Wobbles and Bean are absolutely adorable! Wobbles is quite the character! :)
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That is a really good idea Thank you for your ideas! You guys have inspired me to start a training routine. Both of you please do keep me updated on your progress and no problem on starting this feed seemed like a good idea glad I was right
That sounds like a really neat idea Amykins. You should keep us updated as to how it goes... And somewhat off subject, but Wobbles and Bean are absolutely adorable! Wobbles is quite the character!

Thank you so much! They're my cuties, I spoil 'em rotten so much I'm worried they won't bother to learn any tricks since they expect to get lotsa treats anyway.

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