Ducks & Geese Together


15 Years
Jul 10, 2007
We have four Weeder Geese who just recently hatched two goslings. They are in a decent sized enclosure but not predator proof. One gosling came up missing yesterday. We put the remaining gosling in a small hutch to raise for now. Meanwhile, we have a 'rehab' hutch that is critter proof where we keep a male and female duck and she is nesting. We should know in a week if there are any ducklings.

My question is basically this. If we do get some ducklings, can I put the gosling in the hutch with that family? Would mama and papa duck do it harm? Or would it be better to put the ducklings in with the gosling in the smaller hutch? I hate seeing him alone in the hutch, but I don't want to put him in a harmful situation. Just thinking ahead. We may not have any ducklings at all. I may let papa duck back into the main pen since he is walking well now and maybe mama can raise the ducklings and gosling together? Any thoughts or ideas? Thx.
Geese will adopt goslings that aren’t theirs, ducklings, and even chicks sometimes.
Ducks generally are fairly hostile towards ducklings that aren’t even theirs so I doubt the mother duck would tolerate a gosling, drake’s can be murderous towards babies.
I would put the gosling with the ducklings, without the adult ducks.

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