ducks hate water


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2015
Carson City nv
My ducks hate the water... like I've put a pool with little steps so they can get in and out with ease but they won't go near it... :( is it because I didn't expose them until they were 2 weeks old
i personally wouldn't be too sad...when duck swim in backyard pools, they make a mess! I am cleaning their tubs constantly. I have had rescue ducks that were never given water, and they take a long time sometimes to start swiming. First they just drink, then they start splashing it on themselves, and finally they start actually swimming. What breed are yours? some are not as water crazy as others.
i personally wouldn't be too sad...when duck swim in backyard pools, they make a mess! I am cleaning their tubs constantly. I have had rescue ducks that were never given water, and they take a long time sometimes to start swiming. First they just drink, then they start splashing it on themselves, and finally they start actually swimming. What breed are yours? some are not as water crazy as others. 

I have a Pekin and rouen both born on mar17th
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Haha! Our ducks wouldn't go in their pond either. We were new to ducks and were quite shocked, growing up with the saying "happy as a duck in water." I later learned that they don't necessarily just take to the water. Try putting them in it a few times. That's what we did with ours and eventually we couldn't get them OUT of the water. Takes some of them some time.
I read somewhere that someone uses peas to train her ducks. She did that to teach them to go up the ramp to the pool. You could also try tossing treats in the pool for them to go after.
Mine will swim in their kiddie pool but are terrified of my big pool. I guess that's a good thing lol

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