Ducks have turned against me!


Jul 15, 2022
Sweden, södermanland
This is just a story, not a question or anything :)

Now since my older muscovy drakes got to meet our younger ones, they've been extremly protective of them! They've started attacking me which they've never done before. It's cute but annoying!! I've never seen this before haha
Oh yes, typical behavior. You don't want them attacking you. You can teach them that your top duck in their flock by holding them down on their tummy place one hand on the neck area to keep him from biting you and the other down the back. This is what another drake would do to show dominance. Or time out where you put them away from you for a spell then let them out and see how they react. Usually, if I hold my Muscovy drake down and don't let him up until he calms down he will waddle off but I have also had him come back to attack again so he gets held down again. Main thing is being consistent in what ever you do.
You can teach them that your top duck in their flock by holding them down on their tummy place one hand on the neck area to keep him from biting you and the other down the back. This is what another drake would do to show dominance. Or time out where you put them away from you for a spell then let them out and see how they react. Usually, if I hold my Muscovy drake down and don't let him up until he calms down he will waddle off but I have also had him come back to attack again so he gets held down again. Main thing is being consistent in what ever you do.
Was looking for info like this. Is there a list of punishments / rewards for managing Muscovy Duck behavior somewhere on this site or others? I'm aware of a lot for dogs (muzzle grip, neck / butt poke, proximity, etc.) but I couldn't find any for Muscovys (though I guessed holding them down would punish). I'd also like to avoid doing something that freaks them out unintentionally.

I also wish I could find footage of mother ducks dealing with ducklings, that's always the best way to learn.
You can be soft on them but they aren't going to learn anything this way. When my drake comes at me wanting to start something I can hold him down for a few minutes and he'll relax and when I let him up he will waddle off. Sometimes he thinks he can try again and he gets the same thing. We have a great relationship but I will not put up with him thinking he can fight with me or bite me. I don't know of anything in particular about working with drakes here on BYC but here is a good one on ganders that works well and can be modified for drakes.
You can be soft on them but they aren't going to learn anything this way. When my drake comes at me wanting to start something I can hold him down for a few minutes and he'll relax and when I let him up he will waddle off. Sometimes he thinks he can try again and he gets the same thing. We have a great relationship but I will not put up with him thinking he can fight with me or bite me. I don't know of anything in particular about working with drakes here on BYC but here is a good one on ganders that works well and can be modified for drakes.
How do you tell when a drake is mad/upset? Before they start attacking you 😅😅 or is that not possible?
With my drake he is sly he'll come over where I am and in a split second he grabs my pant leg or boot and latches on if I make him stop he'll actually open his wings some and go into attack mode. You can use a broom or bucket to keep space between you and them. When he is at his worse I even turn the hose on him full blast I don't hit him in the face with it but aim at his chest. He doesn't like this so he'll waddle on off. Thankfully the worst is over for this year.
With my drake he is sly he'll come over where I am and in a split second he grabs my pant leg or boot and latches on if I make him stop he'll actually open his wings some and go into attack mode. You can use a broom or bucket to keep space between you and them. When he is at his worse I even turn the hose on him full blast I don't hit him in the face with it but aim at his chest. He doesn't like this so he'll waddle on off. Thankfully the worst is over for this year.
I've never really been attacked, attacked. My drakes just nibble my pants, though sometimes they bite my till i bleed but never aggresively? They've never opened their wings at me or jumped at me 😅😅 maybe it'll get worse now since thye got ladies!
I had a Rouen drake that would often sneak up behind me and give me just one stiff bill poke to the back of my calf and then run away. 😆
When i would turn and look at him he'd look all innocent like 'what?' Id say HEY MAN NOT COOL. Then he would give me a long talking to in his little raspy drake voice as if he was trying to explain himself.

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