Ducks In Michigan - Are Pools Safe?

Because of the risk of fire I do not provide any heat. I would prefer my ducks to be a little cold than be burned, possibly to death. I understand the temptation, though.

I also find that giving water at night makes a huge mess. I quickly stopped doing it. I consulted my avian veterinarian who confirmed that ducks do not need water all night, as long as they have access to water all day. She told me it is important that they have dry bedding, and that if I want them to have water at night I'll need to make them a separate area with no bedding. I'd rather make things easier by giving them food and water during the day only - they don't really need to have a party at night. It is less work for me and better for them to have dry bedding.
ok perfect thank you - i will definitely update how i do that so they have nice dry bedding and no ice over the winter. :) thank you!!

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