Ducks in the rain, behavior question?


Mar 28, 2020
So yesterday and today its been raining all day.

Because I haven't had ducks for very long, I'm a bit puzzled how much I need to watch and look out for them while its raining. They seem to enjoy it, and they were louder than normal today even, which makes me think they like it.

But it brought up some interesting research questions...

Do you normally just leave them in their (dry) pens when it rains? Or would you put them away earlier than normal because of it? (The pen has a partial overhang roof, though its small.) What else would you do differently with handling them on rainy days?

Is predator danger typically more, or less during rainy time periods for the rest of you?

Would you check on your ducks more in the rain compared to without rain?

How much would you reccomend increasing feed (percentage-wise) on rainy days, to help them keep their body temperature up? (Or would you? Its technically not freezing, but it is bizarrely acting somewhat cold now. Its strangely about 52 degrees at the time of writing this...for June that's so bizarre. And last night it was probably 48...fahrenheit, not celcius. And its anticipated that tonight may get as low as 42 degres.)

Thank you!
If they are 8+ weeks old, or raised by their mother, then they are waterproof and the rain will have no effect on them. 52 degrees is not at all cold for them either, since they are wearing down jackets.
I would not say adult ducks left in rain if it's temporary rain then yes if it's raining hard all day for days in end then put away. Ducks don't know when water is too much and all ducks feathers are only water proof to an extent even adult ducks can drown via waterlogged
I would not say adult ducks left in rain if it's temporary rain then yes if it's raining hard all day for days in end then put away. Ducks don't know when water is too much and all ducks feathers are only water proof to an extent even adult ducks can drown via waterlogged

Thanks. You guys are really wonderful. I've learned so much.

Sorry, one more thing, how much would you increase feed on bad weather days?
Thanks. You guys are really wonderful. I've learned so much.

Sorry, one more thing, how much would you increase feed on bad weather days?
On average a single duck eats around 7 to 8 oz of feed a day. So if your ducks are locked up for bad weather and unable to forage make sure to feed enough for each duck best broken up into two feedings morning a nd evening. Hope this helps.
On average a single duck eats around 7 to 8 oz of feed a day. So if your ducks are locked up for bad weather and unable to forage make sure to feed enough for each duck best broken up into two feedings morning a nd evening. Hope this helps.

This is kind of interesting. You quoted an amount quite different from online guides and articles. Its very possible your figure is closer to ideal egg production's figure.

At least that could be the difference? If 5 ounces is the survival figure then the difference of 3 ounces could be egg production?

I had been hoping someone might say something like that, so I could try to figure it out.

Thanks a bunch! Really.
Or could it be kind of duck that affects food consumption?

I know a bantam chicken eats less than a small-breed chicken, who in turn eats less than a large-breed chicken. But online sources tend to say "a chicken eats" without telling what kind of chicken.
This is kind of interesting. You quoted an amount quite different from online guides and articles. Its very possible your figure is closer to ideal egg production's figure.

At least that could be the difference? If 5 ounces is the survival figure then the difference of 3 ounces could be egg production?

I had been hoping someone might say something like that, so I could try to figure it out.

Thanks a bunch! Really.
Yes I use mine for eggs and breeding/show

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