Ducks mysteriously dieing

wakas arshad

6 Years
Nov 21, 2013
Hi everyone this is my first post here unfortunately because I am facing a serious problem. I had 14 ancona ducks but 4 of them have died all of a sudden. They were all healty when I closed them in for the night in the morning when I went to open them I found them dead. This has happened 4 times now within a week and I am worried. I did notice that the last two that died were limping as if weak I am feeding them well no change in diet and they roam the farm freely.
Please help
Welcome to the forum, I wish it were happier first time, but I pray we may help you.

Please tell us more about what they are being fed. And their bedding, their water, just every boring detail you can think of. How big is their shelter, what is the temperature, what other animals are there, are there any open containers of food, medicine, cleaners, anything like that.

Here are some of my thoughts, not knowing anything about the circumstances.

too cold
too hot
not enough water
bacterial infection
toxic-metal poisoning

So you see, there are many things I am thinking about, that's why I hope you can give us lots of details.
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I lost a Muscovy this week as well. All fine one day, then later in the day, she was crawling on her belly like she could not get up. She was very weak and died a few hours later. I am now ending the third day since she passed with the remaining 4 ducks, still sound and healthy so far.

Mine were recently moved into the barn from an enclosure beside the house. The room was cleaned before the move, had about 4-6 inches of pine shavings put down for bedding. Feeding was poor for the first 48 hrs after the move. Now all are eating well. So my issue may be on watch mode now. I just keep everything clean and poo removed about 4 times a day.

Look for anything no matter how trivial it may seem, and if there is any doubt about it bad or questionable to your ducks health then try and remedy it. Everybody here I am sure will make good suggestions to you based on the info you put out. Good luck and keep us posted. It is tragic
Amiga's very right. Many things to consider... One other option for you that I would add is to take a poo sample in to have it examined. Hopefully a scientific thinker perhaps even non poultry vet would be willing.
Hi everyone this is my first post here unfortunately because I am facing a serious problem. I had 14 ancona ducks but 4 of them have died all of a sudden. They were all healty when I closed them in for the night in the morning when I went to open them I found them dead. This has happened 4 times now within a week and I am worried. I did notice that the last two that died were limping as if weak I am feeding them well no change in diet and they roam the farm freely.
Please help
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