Ducks nest and Ants


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 6, 2013
Okay, so we have an Ant problem outside living in the woods.
Our ducks/chickens who are together in a large pen.
Well my parents decided to let my ducks finally hatch their eggs since she kept hiding them everywhere she could. We exchanged fake eggs for every new unmarked egg and now shes on a nest of 4 duck eggs and many fake eggs.
Well, there was an ant hill nearby and my mom was getting sick with them and got rid of it. By killing and taking most of the ant hill away and then pouring boiling hot water mixed with vinegar onto what was left.
Now we have ants all over my ducks nest and all dead on her bottom and getting into her feathers and just horrible.. Just don't know what to do exactly.
Should I take the eggs? Or try moving them somewhere else? This isn't what we wanted to happen, we wanted the ants to leave our feet and chickens alone. Moms plan kinda backfired..
I would try placing something that the ants like somewhere else near enough for them to move to and get out your hair for the time being. Once they have moved, you can decide what, if anything, to do about them.

I have ants around here, but they rarely go into the coop. If a chicken breaks an egg, and it sits for most of the day in the heat, the ants will show up. I clean up the mess and replace the pine shavings and they go away.

She ended up giving up on the nest no matter what we tried safe, and we tried saving the eggs which were 17 days old. They did not make it.
Ants completely took over and started making her nest an ants nest, we are going to cut the chickens and ducks off from this part of the coop and kill them off. But I do have another question, when will my duck start laying again after an attempted hatching?
I'm sure this is a rare case that happened..
She wasn't laying in the coop and was hiding them, that is the only reason she was able to have a hatch. Just kinda down it didn't work out.

Heres pictures of her nest, the eggs left in it are fake. She covered her eggs before giving up..


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