Ducks. o.o

So you can just take animals from the wild and keep them in your yard?

They more then likely are not wild ducks. Probably a call duck, or something. Probably just a domestic white duck. And if it is just a domestic white duck, then there would be no harm AT all taking the duck and her 8 ducklings. Would be the best thing for them, as something may pick off the baby ducks, and the mother if no one steps in to take them.

I say go for it Lofiriel. As long as you understand the care the duck and her ducklings will need. I wouldn't take her though until you are sure you can take her in and care for her properly. Bet she and her babies are so cute
How large/small are they? Calls are TINY. Unless they are a protected wild breed or owned by someone, taking them is not illegal. Dumping them, however, was. Feathersite likely has photos of both calls and pekins.
Taking the ducks would be like taking a feral cat or dog in. As long as they are peking ducks or another pet duck breed.
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I just called the neighbors who live next door to the place and they said the guy who owns it comes up maybe twice a year to cut the grass. He used to have a bunch of dogs but never took care of them, so he definitely wouldn't care for ducks. Besides that, he probably doesn't even know they're there.

They also told me that I should by all means save the duck and her ducklings because there's a 15" snapping turtle in either that pond or theirs. Sometime I'm going to go up there and get a good photo so I can ID it properly. But if it's white I don't think it's wild, and they said that too.
She's a Pekin, alright.

I wasn't able to find her nest or her ducklings, but I know they're around. I saw her corralling them the other day as I drove by.
Ducks don't need a huge in ground pool. Kiddie pools work fantastically. And noone owns them!? If it were me, they would be at my house in a heartbeat....
ETA: The above pic looks like a Pekin to me!
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Ducks don't need a huge in ground pool. Kiddie pools work fantastically. And noone owns them!? If it were me, they would be at my house in a heartbeat....
ETA: The above pic looks like a Pekin to me!

Yeah.... Or a small in ground pool... like some of the ones in the duck house/pond contest thread... My problem now is convincing my mom that I need to "save" them...

Ducks don't need a huge in ground pool. Kiddie pools work fantastically. And noone owns them!? If it were me, they would be at my house in a heartbeat....
ETA: The above pic looks like a Pekin to me!

Yep; calls are tiny, and have itsy bitsy teeny tiny bills.

Yeah, from the pictures I saw online they are really small.
I live in the suburbs and a mama duck and ducklings walked through our yard I wanted to keep them but my mom said no. Good luck lothiriel I hope you can catch and keep them.

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