Ducks or Chickens? Pros/Cons

OOOOHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! The black runner is so pretty. I don't think that I have ever seen a real pic of one before; just those lame artists' renderings in the catalogs. SOOO pretty!
That's my Willow
She is a gorgeous is Ivy, and they are just full of personality. Even between the two of them they have very different personalities. Willow is more pensieve and inquisitive and wise. When they go on car-rides with me, she loves to just gaze out the window at the world. She has the most expressive little eyes too. Ivy is more of a Valley girl lol, she's kind of ditzy but she's such a sweet duck. I love my ducks, I love my chickens too though. Each one of them has a very unique personality too. I could go on and on about them all
Car rides? Do they go everywhere with you? Do you make your own diapers? You're here on BYC, so you can go on talking about them forever. We all love reading about chickens and ducks!
Car rides? Do they go everywhere with you? Do you make your own diapers? You're here on BYC, so you can go on talking about them forever. We all love reading about chickens and ducks!
LOL! So this girls do have diapers, courtesy of Nettie who also has Indian Runners that travel the town
They don't go everywhere, and unfortunately Ivy gets car sick....
But last time they went out with me, we went to D&B (which is like TSC) and got lots of attention, which they seem to love especially if it involves the friendly employees giving them free grain
Oh, wow! I bet they did get a lot of attention.
Do you have to put them on a leash, or do they just follow you around the store?
That's just too cool!
If you want to learn more, go to Nettie's Etsy's called "Party Fowl" She has an account on here, but I don't think she's on very often. There is also a lady on here that adopted a couple of Nettie's diaper trained foster ducks and they are SUPER cute. I'll have to go back in my PMs and find her account name....I don't remember it off the top of my head.
Oh, I don't think my family would put up with duck diapers, LOL, but I will file it away in the back of my mind to remember for later... :)

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