ducks sharing and swapping nests


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 12, 2012
Lake Tapps, WA
I have two ducks and one drake. The ducks have set up two nests side by side in a large upside down dog crate. They both started setting at the same time and will often change nests. From the candeling it appears that all eggs are in the same stage of development. When the eggs hatch will they both take care of all the babies? Should I take out first group to hatch and put in different pen?
It is up to the ducks. They surprise us sometimes, some give up in the middle of the process, some will hatch but then hurt the babies. Just be ready for anything. You may need to finish incubation, or brood them, or they may be super duper duck moms. Give them what they need - good nutrition, fresh water, safety, and then help out if they bail.

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