duks on day 28 and no hatch


12 Years
Sep 15, 2010
Ozawkie, KS
Hi. ,
my three duck eggs are on day 28 and i havent heard anything yet but they are still moving inside when I candle them. They still seem a bit under developed to me for them to hatch any time. They look like they have about a week to go. Not that i would really know because this is my first time at incubating.

lock down was supposed to be on Monday of this week, but again they didnt look like they would have hatched so I left them in the bator on the turner. Should I just leave them in the bator on the turner till they hatch? I cant turn the turner off because i have 11 chicken & 6 more duck eggs in there. Then chickens should hatch on the first of Nov.

I have them in a hova- bator 1602n. I hate this bator because the temps fluctuate way to much. So I am constantly hovering over the bator..........Lol. Now I understand why its called a Hova-bator.... Sorry!
Anyhow if anyone has any advice I am all ears.

I wish i could help. This is my first hatch (pekins) and I'm due to lock down on Monday the 25th. I do know that they can go over the 28 days and still be fine. Good luck and i hope something starts happening for you.
Does anyone have any advice?
Does no one have much experiance with duck eggs?
These are not muscovy eggs so it shouldnt be taking this long right?

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