Dumb Question What is Normal for Goose Poop?


7 Years
Feb 15, 2012
Central Maine
The reason I am asking is I have found some dried white poop splotches in the goose pen and as I was feeding and watering tonight I saw one of my embdens have one. Is this normal and if not what could be causing it and what do I do.

Most days the geese and ducks are allowed out of their pen to range in the yard. Not today, as I could not be here with them. Pen diet is Flock Raiser and I have been giving them rolled oats and sunflower seeds at night as a treat. Occasionaly they will find some of the scratch I scatter for the chickens in the yard.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am new to geese and ducks and do not want to overlook something that could be a bad sign.
Oh thank-you!!! I was concerned because it appeared to be just water and the white. I don't want to make mistakes if I can help it.
Okay.....this is how some of them look but what I was seeing was a splat of dried white and when I saw it come from the goose it was clear water with white mixed in it. No green, no yellow/brown to indicate grain, just clear fluid with white.

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