Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Wow that sounds awesome! I think the key is going to be to get into the country and as far away from the cities as possible!
the family homestead from the old county road, the wagon trail is still the only way there. Nearest neighbor is 5 miles down the road, the other side doesn't see a house for a half hour. The homestead house is really something. It's made of four homestead shacks smooshed together with clapboard siding holding them all together. Seems when a neighbor wussed out and abandoned their homestead, the family would haul the single room shacks and tack them onto their own shack. Worked out pretty well, really. For all that it's still there, over 100 years old. You wouldn't know to look at it that it is a patchwork. Four houses. It's a modest place, so it makes you realize how tiny those homestead shacks really were, most no bigger than a 10×12 shed.
Wow that's so cool! Not sure I'd want to live that remote though lol but in a survival situation it'd be very useful! And the history is really cool and the property is beautiful.

Are those eagles in the sky?

Although being that remote hownwould we get supplies?
If someone comes with me, sure.

Or maybe I'll get them on my way there! If everyone brings their stuff we should have enough for quite a while
Didn't someone in the show already do that? Maybe not but I thought I saw in one of the episodes one of them was giving someonw rotten meat in the trades

The one guy was bit and he was taken by those cannibal people, so he let them cut off his leg (I think it was his leg) and eat it to infect them. I can't remember the specifics on who it was but I think it was last season :/
Didn't someone in the show already do that? Maybe not but I thought I saw in one of the episodes one of them was giving someonw rotten meat in the trades

The one guy was bit and he was taken by those cannibal people, so he let them cut off his leg (I think it was his leg) and eat it to infect them. I can't remember the specifics on who it was but I think it was last season :/

Ohhh okay, that makes sense. And I thought I saw something with pigs but I could be wrong. I didn't watch the whole season

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