Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

"Is it a chicken or a rooster?" 

That's like asking if it's a dog or a collie.

I grew up on military bases and didn't get chickens until I was in my 60's. But, I can't remember a time when I didn't know that a hen or rooster referred to the gender of a chicken. It took a little longer to figure out that a peacock was the male of the pea fowl species, and a peahen the female. But, come on; a ROOSTER? Obviously these people never heard of Chicken Little or The Little Red Hen. "The sky is falling!" I feel sorry for their poor kids.

Hi guys...im just going to pipe in quickly..

The dumbest thing people have said to me would probably be...."Why do you want more chickens" :th I could never be more offended in my life...

Another one would probably be something many people may or may not of already mentioned "Home layed eggs are gross, store brought are more sanitary and healthy" i dont think they know how long those eggs brought at the store are just sitting around for...i bet they dont even know the living conditions of the hens!

I just educated my doctor and her nurse about the age and cleanliness of store bought eggs. They both want to eat healthy, local foods and were appalled by what I told them. They still believed that eggs are bad for your cholesterol, too. It's amazing what the medical professionals know (or, don't know) about food, but at least these 2 want to learn, so I turned them on to Michael Pollan's book, In Defense of Food. My doctor wants chickens, but her husband isn't enthused, so I suggested she talk to him about eggs, not chickens, and told her I'd bring in a carton when I go back next month. That oughta get the ball rolling! She got all excited. I pity her poor husband.

When people ask about why their chicken's 'fur' is falling out. OMG! Birds don't have fur.

One of the tests I give asks, "What keeps a duck warm?" You'd be surprised how many kids answer, "Its fur." And, these are country kids, in the Blue Ridge mountains, no less. Talk about The Dumbing Down of America ....

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I'm actually very new to having chickens myself but have already had to explain the actual cost of "free" eggs.....as in, "Isn't it nice to get free eggs?". I just shake my head and mention some of the basic costs and then ask if they would like to buy some of my organic, fresh eggs. It's always fun to see the reactions.
I'm actually very new to having chickens myself but have already had to explain the actual cost of "free" eggs.....as in, "Isn't it nice to get free eggs?". I just shake my head and mention some of the basic costs and then ask if they would like to buy some of my organic, fresh eggs. It's always fun to see the reactions.

Yeah, I once told someone I charged $79 a dozen and HOPED, at that price, to break even one day. Free, my sweet Aunt Fanny!! Even the organic veggies I grow aren't free, and I use the dirty shavings from cleaning the chicken coop to fertilize the garden every fall, instead of buying $commercial fertilizer$. But, it's not about the price ... it's all about the quality of the food, taste and nutrient wise. Giving people like that your precious eggs is definitely casting pearls before swine. I only sell to people who are looking for the same ... $4 per dozen for them.

I know so many of these people! She fogot to mention the "Ewww! Your eggs come from a CHICKEN! I prefer eggs that come from the egg factory." folks. Those ones are the best
Seriously? Oy


I have started so many convos with people wandering the egg isle in the store by simply mentioning "I simply don't know how the chicken factories are breaking even" to whoever is shopping with me (usually my mom or sister).

Had a hilarious conversation with a lady after saying something along the lines of "only brown or white eggs... how boring" haha, the women just looked at me like I had just quote a nursery rhyme in a scientific debate haha.

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