Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Tandykins you are free to do what you like with your chickens but that is livestock to me, and livestock belong outside. But as I said that is my perspective on it. You can do as you please in your own house. Why? because I don't have to live there. lol.
Acornewell if your SIL didn't like properly cared for chickens in her neighborhood then she's a fool, and as a 80's country song said. There ain't no fool like a full grown fool, you can talk talk till your face turns blue, but there's no getting thru to a full grown fool.

Thanks for your permission to do what I want in my own house. ^_^ I kind of felt that went without saying.
There's people out there that have had full grown horses in their house. There's even one out there that has a full grown Buffalo that's a big ole sweetie in their house. And I thought I saw something a while back about a family that had a Hippo that they raised that would go into their house as well.
I have also seen warthogs, capybaras and goats living in houses.

Not to mention, y'know, cockatoos - which should really be out in the wild pulling fruit of of peoples' trees and making a ruckus. Silly people keeping cockatoos in their houses!
I agree! How cruel is it to take a bird out of its home environment or breed more of the same in captivity, only to keep them in OUR environment for our own selfish reasons. Tropical birds are meant to live in the tropics, flying free in the forest....not in a cage in someone's home.

Given the choice between their natural habitat and our houses, I'm betting they would all choose their natural habitat and their own kind with whom to live. It seems very strange to me that it's the folks who proclaim to love animals the most that keep animals captive in small spaces(their homes) and deny them a natural existence outdoors where they thrive the most and are adapted to live the best.
Happy to help. One of the naysayers was not so amused and responded that she could see a label on my forehead reading, "Retarded". Nice lady, that one.
Modern breeds of chickens are after all "domesticated" breeds
and so you can tell them that they ARE labeled and the lablel is "domestic" and so should live in a house and keeping them anywhere else is cruel.

Almost all of chickens living in this country sleep inside a structure and over 99.9% spend all their life in a building (commercial hen house). They are all bred to live inside. No reptiles (turtles, snakes) or fish that people keep in their house as pets is designed that way.
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I have a sun conure- in the house, mostly in his cage. He is a rescue bird missing a toe from neglect.

I have a maltese yorkie poo- in the house- free. Lap dog pet.

I have 50+ chickens- outside mostly in the coop or backyard. Livestock.

I have an English Setter- outside in her kennel mostly. Hunting dog.

And I don't care what anyone thinks about it or calls me. I am not cruel to my animals and they are lucky that I am their owner and not someone that would neglect or abuse them. Just saying to all the naysayers. People have different reasons for their animal husbandry. It doesn't mean it is right or wrong and you all should not judge so harshly.
I agree!  How cruel is it to take a bird out of its home environment or breed more of the same in captivity, only to keep them in OUR environment for our own selfish reasons.  Tropical birds are meant to live in the tropics, flying free in the forest....not in a cage in someone's home. 

Given the choice between their natural habitat and our houses, I'm betting they would all choose their natural habitat and their own kind with whom to live.  It seems very strange to me that it's the folks who proclaim to love animals the most that keep animals captive in small spaces(their homes) and deny them a natural existence outdoors where they thrive the most and are adapted to live the best. 

You are assuming that bird owners keep their birds in small cages and that the birds are unhappy. There are some birds that would not do too well due to what we have left them in the wild, and I do not keep my birds in small cages. I have a Galah that is spoiled and loves his life, and you can tell. I have a male and female parrotlet that can go anywhere they want at any time but squeeze through the bars to get into a cage which is huge; they prefer it I there and I don't understand it... I have two budgies and two redrumps in an outdoor aviary, and they are real happy, because they get all the freedom but none of the danger. Their disposition is incredible. The stray cats come watch them and just don't get it. One stray cat always wants in the house (guess he likes cages too). I have two cats that are just as spoiled as the galah. Oh and in the aviary outside I have four button quail that run around chasing each other. Not to mention, I have nine chickens that are captive, which is why I joined BYC. I love them all and they can tell. Oh, and last time my Galah tried to fly free, it wasn't magical, but rather nature saw fit to have a hungry Red Tail Hawk swoop down for a meal. As a flock should do, we protected our fellow and got him the heck inside.

Careful not to picture what you think is going on in someone's home, if you have no clue. It's like being the one to say chickens smell bad...
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This thread seems to have taken a serious hit so I will now unsubscribe. It's a shame too because up until the last few posts, I really enjoyed everything about this thread. Bye-Bye

RON aka Hellbender
Happy to help. One of the naysayers was not so amused and responded that she could see a label on my forehead reading, "Retarded". Nice lady, that one.

She should be careful that narrow mind of hers doesn't close up all together and cut off all the oxygen to her <ahem> brain.
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