Dumpster Diving-Garage Sale-Goodwill-Thrift Store & Craigslist Finds

This is EXACTLY right . . .the eastern seaboard is lousy with them because of the travelers coming from Europe and they are riding in their luggage. If you stay in hotel, ANY hotel keep your clothes and luggage in the bathrooms, as BB do not like cold tile. NOTHING we use for bugs kills them, it has to be special mixed stuff. They can't stand heat, so steaming is a good way too. . .I just posted on here in another post to NOT pick up "soft" furniture along the road, because if its in "perfect" shape and its settling along the road, chances are there is something very unfriendly in there. BB can live 18 months without food or water, they cannot be frozen because they are like flies, they come back to life when warmed . . .they are evil little monsters, and this is honestly one time I question WHY they were ever created, because all they do is suck blood, and they want human blood above all other . . .college dorms are just infested because a lot of out of state students and the picking up stuff along the road . . .they scare me to death . . .cockroaches are evil too, but they have become #2 in my opinion as compared to the BB. IF you put clothes away, pack them in tight good trash bags, seal them tight and then seal them in tubs . . .they do suffocate. I think pyrethium might work, but its a short cure, not a total cure. I reseached them alot because a good friend of mine got them from a guy she had do an oil painting for her DS's Xmas present and unknown to him they were in his apt., and they got a free ride on the canvas to her house. She has had a nightmare year, but did it all herself to the tune of about $700 and relentless cleaning, steaming, and cleaning and spray she got online. She just said the other day she thinks they might have completely erradiated because no one has had a bite in weeks. . .I could go on and on, but trust me when I say its not worth bringing anything into your home that you aren't sure of. . .I wash every single thing that comes into my house now because of this . . .and have decided that if I don't need it, its gone. The little pests LOVE to snuggle in your stashes and your collections.
I have a bizzare ritual when i travel.... you dont even want to know...
This is EXACTLY right . . .the eastern seaboard is lousy with them because of the travelers coming from Europe and they are riding in their luggage. If you stay in hotel, ANY hotel keep your clothes and luggage in the bathrooms, as BB do not like cold tile. NOTHING we use for bugs kills them, it has to be special mixed stuff. They can't stand heat, so steaming is a good way too. . .I just posted on here in another post to NOT pick up "soft" furniture along the road, because if its in "perfect" shape and its settling along the road, chances are there is something very unfriendly in there. BB can live 18 months without food or water, they cannot be frozen because they are like flies, they come back to life when warmed . . .they are evil little monsters, and this is honestly one time I question WHY they were ever created, because all they do is suck blood, and they want human blood above all other . . .college dorms are just infested because a lot of out of state students and the picking up stuff along the road . . .they scare me to death . . .cockroaches are evil too, but they have become #2 in my opinion as compared to the BB. IF you put clothes away, pack them in tight good trash bags, seal them tight and then seal them in tubs . . .they do suffocate. I think pyrethium might work, but its a short cure, not a total cure. I reseached them alot because a good friend of mine got them from a guy she had do an oil painting for her DS's Xmas present and unknown to him they were in his apt., and they got a free ride on the canvas to her house. She has had a nightmare year, but did it all herself to the tune of about $700 and relentless cleaning, steaming, and cleaning and spray she got online. She just said the other day she thinks they might have completely erradiated because no one has had a bite in weeks. . .I could go on and on, but trust me when I say its not worth bringing anything into your home that you aren't sure of. . .I wash every single thing that comes into my house now because of this . . .and have decided that if I don't need it, its gone. The little pests LOVE to snuggle in your stashes and your collections.

OMG! Another OCD behavior that I need to add to the list. "bed bugs"

Thanks for sharing that information.
I was in the process of building my "man cave". I had gotten to the point of needing insulation and I was about to go to Lowe's and spend $300. I was driving through town one afternoon and noticed that the senior center was being renovated. They had a construction dumpster sitting outside full of R-19 23 inch wide batts. With what I got out of that dumpster all I had to by from Lowe's was one bundle for $65. Perfect timing and the price was right!
Don't be so hard on those businesses that won't allow you to dive in their dumpsters. If it's their dumpster on their private property they're within their right to bar you from trespassing. Blame the few cheaters who have ruined it for the rest of us, taking items from dumpsters and then trying to return it to the store for cash or credit. There are others who wouldn't hesitate to sue a business if they got injured while diving in their dumpster.
I used to own a business and the head of the local homeless shelter would come by once a week and clean out my excess. I couldn't throw it away because the homeless would go in the dumpster for freebies and pass out or fall asleep and if it was trash day and the trash company didn't pre-check the bin like they were supposed to, well, sad.
Ahh, dumpster diving. More than once have I participated on dumpster diving expeditions! Usually we get the permission from the owner of the dumpster FIRST in case the cops are called on us by somebody else. Haven't done it in a while, but when I lived in Milwaukee I did it with friends. Never was after anything valuable, just useful. Like we got a huge truckload of cement core drillings to use to line the fence of a friend's grandparents to stop their dogs from attempting to dig to escape. Worked perfectly! Or metal scrap, wooden furniture. Once found a set of great pots and pans!
I got a Duncan Phyfe Dining table from someone's trash that has been appraised at $3000.
Also a rare dresser from the sixties made by the west michigan furniture company valued at about $800. I drove about 80 miles with it tied to the top of my mazda3. people must've thought I'd lost my mind.
One of my former employees gave me a complete set of 1920's federal dining chairs worth about $1500.
And my Favorite is a Complete set of 1890 Encyclopedia Brittannica I found in a closet at an estate sale for $10.

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